Leadership Positions & Descriptions
Below are the list of our team's leadership positions and their job description
President - Austin P
The president is the head of the club. The president attends and presides over all meetings, interacts with the faculty advisor about meeting times and locations, and any other club business that requires faculty help or approval. This person is responsible for making sure that the club is running as smoothly and efficiently as possible, including both build and administration.
Vice President of Design and Manufacturing - Jack K
The Vice President of Design and Manufacturing is responsible for overseeing all committee and subcommittee meetings, relating to the building and maintaining the robot. The position is also responsible for the supplies and materials that are owned by the club and present in the shop (tools, hardware, medical supplies, etc.). It is their job to maintain a master inventory list, order supplies when necessary, and update their list every time the club receives new materials. They also work with the Subgroup Leaders in order to make sure that the team has the right packing accommodations and lists for packing to and from competition.
Vice President of Business and Administration - Saanvi S
The Vice President of Business and Administration is responsible for overseeing all committee and subcommittee meetings, relating to the day-to-day operations of the club and the management of submitted documentation to the club’s success. The Vice Presidents preside over general meetings if the President is absent or unable to attend. This person is in charge of all non build aspects of the club, including record keeping, purchases, and fundraising.
Treasurer - Katelyn D
The Treasurer is responsible for managing all incoming and outgoing accounts, keeping track of finances, and organizing fundraising efforts for the club.
Secretary - Jacob B
The secretary is responsible for taking and filing minutes of all club meetings, sending out weekly emails, oversee the record keeping of member attendance, and keeping the club informed of incoming and outgoing correspondence.
Head of Community Service & Awards - Jonathan P
The Head of Community Service and Awards is responsible for planning, directing, coordinating, and overseeing community service activities. They are in charge of recruiting team members to volunteer at events, logging all community service hours for team members at all events, and serving as liaison with POBots volunteering. They lead a team of students in preparing all award materials including the Impact Award essays/presentations, Woodie Flowers essay, Digital Animation, Safety, and Entrepreneurship Awards.
Head of Analytics and Strategy - Justin P
The Head of Analytics and Strategy is responsible for analyzing the current year’s game and developing a strategy with regard to the collection, manipulation, and analysis of data for the various robots while scouting at competition. They also must develop an efficient way to collect this data and translate it to the drive team in order for them to properly strategize. Analytics is also responsible for interviewing the other teams, developing a robot profile at competition, and collecting data that can be used for alliance selections.
Head of Electrical - Binti S
The Head of Electrical is in charge of all of the electrical components on the robot and is responsible for overseeing the design and production of the competition robot’s electrical board.
Head of Programming - Ethan T
The Head of Programming is in charge of programming the POBots robots and is responsible for programming the competition robot. They are also responsible for making the hour tracking system and operation and handling the backend design and upkeep of the website.
Head of Mechanical - Brandon S
Mechanical is in charge of all of the team’s robots and is responsible for overseeing the design and production of the competition robot along with adequate spare parts to use in the event that the robot breaks at the competition. Mechanical is also responsible for ensuring that the club meets their objectives for researching and developing new prototypes and technologies, as well as overseeing and managing the development of the robot in CAD.
Head of Logistics and Operations - Ethan S
The Head of Logistics and Operations is in charge of the Pit during the competition. They are responsible for creating a list of tools, hardware, and materials with the VP of Design and Manufacturing and ordering supplies for the shop. During the competition, they are in charge of Safety and Robot maintenance in the pit. They must keep a level and calm head during times of pressure and must be able to think ahead and respond to unexpected scenarios.
Head of Public Relations & Marketing - Josh P
The Head of Public Relations & Marketing is in charge of all of the team’s social media accounts and website, documenting the team’s efforts through photography and video, managing the team's public image, team spirit activities, team merchandise, and game specific materials.
Head of Project Management & Quality Control - Kayla W
The Head of Project Management and Quality Control manager is to ensure the manufacturing production lines run smoothly and generate a consistently suitable output of parts that meet quality and efficiency standards. They must understand the robot design requirements and coordinate student efforts and communications between the mentors and the subgroups.